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Lupus and Vaccines

By A. G. Moore 9/2/2012

People with lupus have a greater susceptibility to infection (see: Lupus Foundation The increased risk for infection arises in many cases from the immunosuppressive drugs that lupus patients take (such as methotrexate, prednisone and Azathioprine). Increased susceptibility can come also from the disease itself, although the degree to which this is true varies according the individual. In a 2005 study, published on the ACR website ( infection rates were compared for hospitalized patients who had rheumatoid arthritis, nephrotic syndrome, and systemic lupus. It turned out that those with systemic lupus had higher infection rates than other patients in the study—even those with SLE were not on immunosuppressive drugs. The ACR article’s conclusion is that the higher infection rate for lupus is not associated with compromised renal function or immunosuppressive drug therapy but to some other aspect of the disease.

So what does a person with lupus do about this increased susceptibility? For one thing, stay away, as much as possible from people who are evidently sick (with an infectious disease). Also, in cold and flu season, keep away from crowds. Simple things, like washing hands and not touching your face, have been proven to be effective infection controls.

Another recommendation, endorsed by the Lupus Foundation, is to keep your vaccinations up to date. However, according to the Foundation, someone with lupus should never receive a live vaccine and should avoid exposure to people who have recently received live vaccine. Also, the possibility exists that if the flu vaccine is given during a lupus flare, then a serious complication may ensue (see:

Personally, I approach flu vaccine season with ambivalence. While I was vaccinated most years without incidence, last year I experienced a pretty serious reaction very soon after being vaccinated. Not only did my arm blow up pretty quickly, but by the next morning I was ill and I stayed ill for about two weeks. Though I dread going through that again, I wonder how much sicker I would have been if I had caught the flu?

As for run of the mill upper respiratory infections, I take a few precautions. First of all, I use avoidance and barriers. I stay away, as much as possible, from people who are evidently sick (with an infectious disease). If I must be around someone who is ill—to nurse, let’s say, a family member— I wear double layer surgical masks (N95 rated) and disposable gloves. I wash the clothing that has been exposed as soon as I am out of the sick room.

If I seem to be coming down with a cold, I pop a Cold-EEZE lozenge into my mouth. The zinc in the lozenge is suppose to reduce the length and severity of the cold—if taken in the first 24 to 48 hours. The most recent study I found that supports the idea that these lozenges are therapeutic, was published in the Journal of Infectious Disease, in 2008 ( see: I usually don’t wait for a cold to develop to start this regimen. I keep Cold-EEZE in the house and as soon as my throat feels scratchy I suck on a lozenge and keep up the regimen till all signs of a cold have disappeared.

The final thing I do for myself is, if I am ill and things don’t seem to be going well, I call my doctor.

I don’t know if any of the measures I take will be helpful to someone else. I state again, as I always do: I am not a doctor. I read a lot and learn from what I read. I hope the information is helpful to others.

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